Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Christian View of the Body

Teens are focused mostly on their body image.  Body-oriented commercials try to encourage us to buy things, from energy drinks to toothbrushes, and in the commercials, the models have their "perfect bodies" in tight-fitted clothing to show off their assets.  This kind of imagery is all around us, and fills the media.  It gets into our minds without us even being aware of it, and we become so so self conscious about how we look.

The Christians have different views of the body image.  They reject the American/Canadian body obesssion about being fit, looking hot, and following the images put into the media. The importance of looking good is with the worship of sexual attractiveness. The television, and media are really telling us in all their “body-language” is that the most important thing in life is sexual attractiveness — Having that “sexy” body that will draw your object of desire to you. The media's  “body-awareness” is just one part of the obsession with sexual attractiveness that has grown recently in the past few decades.

"Don’t worry about the death of the body- there are other things more important than the body, worry about the death of the soul!” Matt. 10:28  The quote is saying don't worry about your body because when you die its your soul that rises to heaven, but your body remains on the ground.  You should work on your inner beauty (soul) because that is what counts and that is what is moving on after your death. But staying healthy is very important as well, maintaining a healthy weight, eating right, and excercising daily. In class we learned that we shouldn't compare ourselves to others to others, we are who we are and we should be ourseleves.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Jessica my blog is:

    I totally agree with you. I'm a christian as well and feel like eating disorders happen to people that have the devil in their lives instead of God. I am content with my body because I have inner peace with God, I'm sure many other christians can say the same thing. That is not to say we have our bad days, we all have them. But it's about controlling our minds and knowing their will always be someone that loves us the way we are and that's God :)
